Monday, June 8

Love is;

If only life was as sweet as the movies, we could get everything our hearts desired. I guess it wouldn’t be reality that way, but it doesn’t make it any less desirable.
I get so completely frustrated when people tell me I don’t know what love is. If a fifteen year old girl doesn’t know what it is, then who does?

By that time in anyone’s life we have all experienced and experimented with love. We receive and give it from the age of 0, as babies we expose our love to our family. Sure, the love people are talking about is different, but nevertheless it is still love. If I can love a teddy or a puppy then what makes that different from loving a human?

Of course humans are different in the fact we are individuals and we can respond and by intellectual in many ways, but doesn’t that mean we love deeper or more thoroughly?
I don’t need a dictionary to tell me what love is. No words or sentences can sum up what love is. Love changes, as people change. By the time we are old enough to know what it is, to know how it feels, to know that love is a combined package with risks and chances, we are still young, but we will always be willing to take another chance because love is love. And life is hardly worth living without it.

A day without loving is meaningless. How can we happy? Be pleased? With a day where we don’t bring a smile or a tear to someone’s eye because of something caused by our love for them. Everything good in our world is built on love and everything bad in our world is built purposefully to try and destroy it.

Love is everything. Love is us. So how can anyone tell me that I don’t know what it is? That I can’t possibly love the way I say I do? Well maybe it’s because they haven’t read this, maybe because they don’t know me, maybe because no one knows the real me, maybe because I can’t be this passionate in social situations or maybe because they’ve never given me the chance. What I truly believe the reason is, is because people take it for granted, because “I love you” simply doesn’t mean as much to people these days.

I’m old fashioned. I love you, means everything. I care about you, means something. I wanna be there, means companionship. I’m not going anywhere, means you’re worth it. I adore you, means you’re beautiful on the inside. I miss you, means I think about you and can’t wait to see you. You’re amazing, means you inspire me. You’re worth it, means I’d do anything for you. You’re special, means I wouldn’t change you for the world. You’re beautiful, means I’m entranced by you. I love being with you, means for that time I’d rather be with you than anywhere else in the world.

This is what it is for me, this is how it should be, and this is how it was before the world became obsessed with unimportant objects such as money. A day filled with money and without love, is filled with possessions and material objects. All these things can be brought. Love can’t be brought. It can be given, shared, expressed, exposed, but never brought. Love isn’t something we get because we have the right. Love is something that is given to us freely because everyone else can do exactly the same. Everyone is equal when is comes to love.

Everyone has the potential to love fully, completely, entirely, and without boundaries. We just need to find the courage to set ourselves free. The things that can be discovered when we are free are uncountable, but it also comes with the risk. Like most things in life there is always a negative side, there will always be battles we must be willing to lose otherwise we will never achieve our goals. The negative will tear you down, will hurt you, will be unbearable, but it will strengthen you, and when you find the real elements of love in your life, when you find that one person that makes the stormiest day feel like calmest weather. That’s when you’ll know its okay to get hurt, it’s okay to lose, and its okay to take the risks. That’s when you’ll realise that love will always conquer over hate, over pain and suffering, and the worst of times. That’s when you’ll see that even though you can feel horrible or at the lowest of lows, that love is stronger and when you experience it in the bad, the bad seems like a single fly in the sky, invisible and unimportant.
Love is; smiling, laughing, kissing, hugging, caring, talking, absorbing, enjoying, crying, trying, baring, suffering, knowing, amazing, unconditional, truthful, mistake-filled, forgiving, overwhelming, hope-filled, joyful, loud, intense, peaceful, content, crazy, beautiful, pleasing, difficult, understanding, compassionate, trusting, healthy, watching, giving, and sharing.
Love is everything, love is eternal…

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